
Enabling Learning with 3D Printing
beyond the classroom

Teachers teach     Students design    3D printers print

Prints are delivered

Benefits for Educators:

Access to 3D printers for every student
No technical hassles with 3D printers
Live support and expertise available
Resources for teachers

Benefits for Students:

Everyone can 3D print their prototype designs
3D prints delivered directly to students
Support and learning about 3D printers

Teachers use the tools
they already know to lead
the class

Students cooperate
remotely on design

Students designs get
printed and delivered,
fast, straight to them

What is it?

An easy platform for teachers and students to use 3D printing as part of remote learning.

The solution for remote learning using 3D printers.
An easy platform for integrating 3D printers into remote learning. 
Equal access for all
Educators provide the lessons and learning challenges to students
We take care of the 3D printing



3D Prints

Benefits for Educators:

Access to 3D printers for every student
No technical hassles with 3D printers
Live support and expertise available
Resources for teachers

Benefits for Students:

Everyone can 3D print their prototype designs
3D prints delivered directly to students
Support and learning about 3D printers

How it works


How do teachers provide the lesson plans and learning challenges?

Answer. How do teachers provide the lesson plans and learning challenges?

How do students design and create 3D models?

Answer. How do students design and create 3D models?

How do teachers and students collaborate remotely?

Answer. How do teachers and students collaborate remotely?

How does the teacher manage the review and approval the student’s models for 3D printing

Answer. How does the teacher manage the review and approval the student’s models for 3D printing

How does the delivery of the 3D printed models work?

Answer. How does the delivery of the 3D printed models work?

What CAD software will students use and how will they learn to use it?

Answer. What CAD software will students use and how will they learn to use it?